Let me introduce myself…


Hello, my name is AkeeLah Blu.

I transitioned in 2017, and honestly, that was the month I began my life! Since then I have had so many challenges dealing with the public.

My Life Experience as a Black Trans Woman in the Southern US.

From people misgendering me, to being treated unfairly in the workplace, deadnaming me, and just being treated unfairly because I’m trans. That lead me to sex work, because I actually felt desired there instead of being the butt of everyone’s joke.

It was a terrible trade-off because doing sex work is better money, but you have to gamble with your life every time. I have had to look in the face of a gun a total of 4 times in my life! Nevertheless, I have survived.

Meeting my man, Kyng.

While I was living that lifestyle, I met my soulmate and partner in this life, Kyng Blu (my bae)! Yes, we were both sex workers in Atlanta, GA. I was trying to move to move there to get away from Selma, AB.

We started off as friends - we both have an interest in music and we just honestly fit so well together. We saw the love in each other’s eyes, and before we knew it we decided to quit sex working and go to school to get our GED and start a new life together!

Where we are now, in 2022.

When HBO’s “We’re Here” called and said ‘Congratulations, you’re going to be featured on Season 2!’ and from that point I that everything is gonna work out. It might be what brought you to my website today!

That said, I am still battling homeless and poverty with Kyung. We are not losing hope, but we still need support while we build ourselves, our business and our living.

So many folks have shared their stories, their words of wisdom, their donations. They and you are helping us move forward - and with every gig, every donation, every t-shirt sold, you are helping us to secure our forever home.

I’m still praying and my god it’s definitely working, Amen!

Love to you all,


Connect with me!